I was scrolling through Pinterest absentmindedly the other day and came across a list of questions directed toward people in fandoms. Basic definition, a fandom is a group of people who are fans of someone or something, especially those who are enthusiastic. Like we are talking paint your face, wear full gear, and get to the game two hours early kind of enthusiastic. Now personally, I am a fan of Harry Potter. I enjoyed the books, movies, and yes, especially the theme park. I may or may not (I won’t admit for sure) have a book describing what went into the filming of this franchise. So, with that mindset, the first question on this list was “If someone really wanted to understand you, what would they read, watch, or listen to?” I just couldn’t continue reading the list, I was smacked by this question. I rephrased the question in my mind as “If I wanted someone to understand my identity in Christ, would they see Him in what I read, watch, listen to, and ultimately in what I allow my mind to be filled with?” What we value in this world will shape our behaviors. Therefore, in placing value in something, I will give my time, energy, and devotion to that thing. Keeping with the sports analogy, if I value sports, I will keep up on favorite teams by watching games. I will read about and thus know the structure of the game. And I will actively structure my day around a big game. Now, here me out, I am not saying anything against sports. They are wonderful and I played multiple sports! What I am trying to point out, just like with the topics of education or Harry Potter, what we value we place priority in. If someone were to read, watch, and listen to what I do, would they see Jesus as the center of my life or would that relationship be an afterthought?

 In Matthew 22:34-37 the following occurs, “Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” We are clearly told that our greatest value and priority should be that of fully giving our all in surrender to God. Everything else is good, but it shouldn’t be the center by which we live this life. God is the only one worthy to have our all. And yet my heart wanders! I have (and still do) struggle with allowing thoughts on love and marriage or the entertainment of television to occupy a higher spot on the list of amount of time and devotion to than reading my Bible or prayer. Again, these are not bad things. But, if someone saw all i spent my time doing, would they understand more about my movie habits or vision of a wedding than about my relationship with the Lord?

ChallengeStop and think! Is the Lord receiving my all or the bread crumbs left over? Be honest! If the answer is my all, wonderful! What are you doing to continue in faithful and loving devotion with Him? If the answer is my bread crumbs, thank you for your honesty! So often we know the “should be” answer and don’t truthfully admit we are holding back because of shame and guilt. Recognition of a problem is the first key to changing. And in recognizing, be humbly broken and take on a repentful heart.
